Saturday, August 7, 2010

FTP: Fact or Fiction?

The goal of writing fiction is to take your readers on a journey that they might not be able to realize on their own; make them believe the impossible; live out their dreams; experience something that moves their minds, hearts, and souls.

Today I took a fictional trip into a dream of mine. I drove up to LA and met with some of the most powerful people in Hollywood: producers, actors, celebrities--or did I? Yes and no... Let me show you.

First, I visited Paramount Pictures.

While at Paramount, I had a personal meeting with Steven Spielberg, probably one of the most influential film personalities in the history of film and perhaps Hollywood's best known director (I don't think I need to tell you who he is: Jaws; Jurassic Park(s); Schindler's List; Raiders of the Lost Ark; Saving Private Ryan; Catch Me If You Can; etc.)

We talked at length about the possibilities of having a screen play written for my novel "Flight to Paradise" and his directing it. In fact, he was very excited about the entire Flight Trilogy--he loves doing sequels. When I asked Steven how I could make "Flight into Darkness" a great thriller, he had this advice to give me.

While I was meeting with Steven, Jim Carrey pops in to give me his best wishes (the buzz around Hollywood has been crazy over my novel). He quickly offered to play Rex in the movie... then gave a crazy laugh and said he didn't have the body for it.

Later in the day while having lunch with Steven, we bumped into Snoop Dogg. I tried to slip Snoop one of my cards. He said he didn't read much fiction but he knew a girl who he thought would love it.

When we returned to Steven's office, Will Smith stopped by to wish me luck. He said he and his wife had both read the book (FTP) and loved it! He said it was the kind of story that anyone would have a hard time putting down once they started it. He said to save him a part in one of the films.

As I was leaving Steven's office, I bumped into Robin Williams. I offered him a card but he said he had already read the book and loved it! His only disappointment was he couldn't find a part in the book that he could play. I told him I would work on it in the future. He asked if I wanted to go "grab some chow", but I told him I needed to get back to San Clemente--maybe another time.

After my big day, I returned to my NON-fictional world and joined the others on Hollywood Blvd. I left LA and headed home with a refreshed dream in my head, encouragement in my heart, and a purpose in my soul: Write good stories that help others feel better about themselves and the world in which they live.

In summary: Fiction is more than a story about dreams, imaginary people, and a world that doesn't exist; fiction is about possibilities--what can be--even if only in our own minds.

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